Bulk TIFF Compressor

Compress multiple TIFF image files in batch with high quality. Up to 90% reduction. 100% free and safe to use.

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    TIFF images are often large in size due to several reasons. First, they contain uncompressed image data, ensuring high quality. Second, they support high resolutions and color depths, which increases file size. Additionally, they can include multiple layers and extensive metadata, both of which add to the overall size. Lastly, TIFF files use lossless compression, rather than lossy, meaning more data is retained.

    One of the best ways to quickly reduce the file size of your TIFF images is to use our SoftwareHow Bulk TIFF Compressor – a free online tool that allows you to batch upload lots of TIFFs (up to 100 images at a time) and compress them quickly, usually within seconds. Our tool is completely free to use, no need to download or sign up for anything.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Will my uploaded images be stored on the SoftwareHow server?

    No, we don’t store your images at all. In fact, all the processing is handled in your web browser – meaning you have total control over the images (including the uploaded TIFFs and compressed TIF images).

    What is a TIFF file?

    TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a flexible image format that supports high-quality graphics. It’s commonly used in industries that require precise image reproduction, such as photography, publishing, and medical imaging. It is known for its ability to store images with color depth and high resolution without losing any detail.

    Is there a difference between TIF and TIFF?

    No, there is no difference between these two image formats. They are two acronyms that are used interchangeably. Whether a file ends in .tif or .tiff, it refers to the same type of image file.

    Why is my TIFF file so large?

    The reasons why your TIFF files are big in size include uncompressed data, high resolution and color depth, layers, and additional information. The large size of TIFF files is a trade-off for maintaining high image quality and preserving all the image data without loss.

    How to reduce TIFF file size?

    There are several ways to reduce the file size of TIFF images, such as compressing the files, lowering the resolution, reducing color depth, etc. All these methods can significantly reduce file size but may impact the image quality. It’s best to find a balance that works for your needs.

    Can TIFF images be compressed?

    Yes, TIFF images can be compressed with lossless methods like LZW or ZIP, which reduce file size without degrading quality. These options are part of the TIFF format, allowing for a balance between image fidelity and storage efficiency.

    How to resize TIFF file without losing quality?

    In general, there are two ways to resize a TIFF file without losing quality. The first and easiest is to use an online resizing tool like Aspose which gives you different resize options with high-quality output. The other is to use an image editing software like Microsoft Paint to adjust the resolution while maintaining the aspect ratio.

    Are TIFF files higher quality than JPEG?

    Yes, generally TIFF has higher quality than JPEG. This is because TIFF format supports lossless compression, preserving all the original image data, while JPEG uses lossy compression, which reduces file size by permanently removing some image details, resulting in lower quality.

    Is your tool really free to use?

    Yes, our Bulk Image Compressor is completely free to use without any restrictions. We don’t have a monetization plan yet, in the future, we might put some ads on this page.